Sunday, March 27, 2011

What I'm doing right today

I am back in Earnest at my ongoing quest to get healthy. OK, I still can't get myself out of bed to exercise at 6 am, but I downloaded the My Fitness app on my ipod touch which allows me to track my caloric intake and energy output for free and track my weight as well. This is working overall as a slap in the face as to how much of a problem I have with portion control. I'm using a lot of self talk to convince myself I don't need to be eating all the time. I cleaned off the dining room table, and am trying to bring back actual sit down family dinner. Tonight I helped my 4 year set and clear the table and we all sat down and ate at the table. What a concept huh? My mother always set the table and we always sat down to dinner. I'm not sure why I let this tradition go by the board in my house, it's an important part of family life. So back to sit down at the table dinners for us. Overall I feel good about the lifestyle changes that I have initiated. Something happened to me last year. My father having a liver transplant last August just created havoc in my life emotionally. The waiting, the worrying and then the stress of the surgery, the relief of the surgery being successful and then the fear of his first rejection episode right at Christmas made me crazy, drained, impatient, tired, and lazy. My recovery from this has been slow. Which is part of the reason I am starting this blog/journal. To start to make myself look at the fact I put my life on hold, and now I have to pick it up and put it back together again. Which I will, I have way to much to look forward too...

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